Exciting news for readers of comics and graphic novels!
Cushing library patrons now have FREE access to ComicsPlus, an online collection of graphic novels featuring over 20,000 titles!
You will need your library card number to sign up for an account; so if you don’t know it just give us a call at 354-8860 and we can provide you with that. If you haven’t ever signed up for a card – no problem, they’re free too and it only takes a few minutes, so just pop by and take advantage of all that your library has to offer. (Just check for updated hours on our homepage).
Got your library card # ready? Click below for instructions on everything you need to know to get started or follow this link: https://www.maineinfonet.org/comicsplus/
We have now cataloged all the books, all the DVDs, and all the audiobooks on CD and we are working on the VHS tapes, the audiobooks on cassette and then we might be done.
What does this mean to you?
If you want to see if a book is available, click the header above and type in the title. If we have it, it will appear. If it is checked out, the entry will tell you that as well.
Want to see all the DVDs we have? Type DVD in the search box.
Want to see all the Audiobooks we have? Type CD in the search box.
The Maine Library Download service provides access to audiobooks and electronic books for download.
All you need is your library card number to begin downloading books. Ask at the Cushing Library desk for a card with your patron number.
Audiobooks can be played on a variety of devices and eBooks can be read on any computer, on Kindles, Sony Readers, Barnes & Noble Nook, Borders Kubo and a few other devices.
The first time you set up your reader, it can be a bit complicated getting the various authorizations that let all the pieces interact correctly. We can help with that. After the first download, everything will go more smoothly.
There is an CloudLibrary app in Apple’s app store for the iPhone and iPod Touch, plus apps for the Android and Blackberry.
Some titles are also playable, with the use of additional software, on other devices. If you have questions on compatibility, email us at cushinglibrary@cushing.lib.me.us
Monday: 9am - 4pm • Wednesday : 10am – 4pm • Friday: 10am - 1pm • Saturday: 10am - Noon
Library Telephone: (207) 354-8860
Physical Address: 39 Cross Road, Cushing ME \\ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 25 Cushing, ME 04563
Copyright © 2023 Cushing Library - All Rights Reserved.